Ghost vs. Spirit
A “ghost” can be seen heard and felt. A ghost is typically still “here” for many reasons. Some of those reasons can be and are not limited to: not knowing they have passed; tragic death; does not want to leave a loved one; unfinished business or afraid to “crossover”. Not everyone becomes a ghost that has died tragically.
A “spirit” has crossed over and can be felt or one can smell a familiar scent when they are around.
Types of Hauntings
Intelligent Hauntings - Knocking sounds, tapping, noises, lights on and off, cold spots and weird smells.
Residual Hauntings - A specific event in time will play over and over again at the same time and on the same day. Example are but not limited to footsteps, and voices.
Poltergist Hauntings- according to the dictionary is a "ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances, loud noises and can throw objects".
Demonic- scary, dangerous but not very common. Typically demonic entities target those on drugs, emotional or psychologically unstable, or have alcohol issues.
Shadow Hauntings- According to the Angels and Ghosts website a Shadow Haunting appear to be a person that is is dark in color or even black. They are attached to a specific location, and we typically see them out of the "corner of our eye". They move quickly and do not "stick around".
Did you Know?
...energy is attached to specific items (antique items). Bringing these items into your house could cause paranormal activity.
...that many believe that ghosts can travel but according to True Encounters with the World Beyond by Hans Holzer "ghosts do not travel; they do not follow people home; nor do they appear at more than one place" (p.24).
...a ghost can not attack a living person.
...Contrary to belief Ouji Boards are not safe to use! It is a way to connect with the dead but one never knows "the door" they are opening or what entities they are letting in. Demons can pose as a loved one or someone close to us.
...if you do not have ESP (extra sensory perception) "you're not likely to encounter a ghost or connect with teh spirit of a loved one"(Holzer, True Encounters with the World Beyond, 1997).
...unless you understand don't try interacting with the ghost that might be in your house. Seek out a professional!